The ‘How To’ Health Guide – 2016 Edition – Health Charities Coalition of Canada

Learn about Canada’s healthcare system and how to navigate it to receive the best possible care.

*Guide For People Living with ALS

This comprehensive guide covers a range of topics about living with the disease and what to expect.

*What to expect once you register at the CLSC – Ann-Marie Léporé

Learn about home care and what to expect once you have a file opened at the CLSC. Hosted by ALS Quebec for newly diagnosed people and their families.

*Medical aid in dying and organ donation – Sophie Villemaire & Lysane Desrosiers, nurses

A March 2022 presentation by staff at the CHUM ALS clinic and Transplant Quebec. Hosted by ALS Quebec.

*Medical Aid in Dying – Hélène Guay B.C.L, LL.M.

Background about medical assistance in dying: its legal basis, history, current status and challenges ahead. Hosted by ALS Quebec.

*Palliative Care Conference – Anita Mehta, RN, PhD, CFT and Véronique Després, SW

An introduction to palliative care and its role in ALS, implications for family members, and an overview of available services and facilities at two different palliative care centres. Hosted by ALS Quebec.

*Telehealth: an advantage for the ALS clinic – Dr. Geneviève Matte

This webinar discusses the use of telehealth to provide ALS care during the pandemic. Hosted by ALS Quebec.