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Quebec Health Research

Find all the clinical trials available in Quebec and around the world in a few clicks, in real time, in both languages

Breaking the News in ALS/MND

A protocol on how deliver difficult news to people living with ALS that aims to increase healthcare professional comfort and confidence. is a place to learn about clinical studies from around the world.

*Educational Webinar – Medical aid in dying – an update with Maitre Hélène Guay

On October 30, 2024, the criteria relating to advance requests for medical assistance in dying came into force. Join us for a webinar with Maître Hélène Guay who explains the changes to the law and how they affect people living with ALS.


Roon’s mission is to reimagine the internet for health with trust and expert curation at its core. Explore video Q&As with healthcare professionals, people living with ALS, and caregivers to get answers to your questions

Kéroul – Adapted Transport in Quebec

Information on accessible transportation in Quebec.

*Educational Webinar – ENG – Resilience and ALS with Rachel Thibeault

This webinar offers some basic psychological resilience strategies easily applicable in daily life.

Baluchon Long-term Respite Care

Baluchon’s mission is to offer respite over several days to caregivers who wish to keep their non-autonomous loved ones at home, while supporting and providing guidance to the caregiver before and after the in-home respite care process. It is the only non-profit organization offering long-term in-home respite care (4 to 14 days), 24 hours a […]

ALS Quebec does not endorse and is not responsible for the information contained on external sites. Should you have questions about any of the services or require additional information, please contact the organizations directly. These links are provided as a convenience and should not be construed as endorsements of any of the organizations.