Navigating the healthcare system & Options for Care
Educational Webinar – Medical aid in dying – an update with Maitre Hélène Guay
On October 30, 2024, the criteria relating to advance requests for medical assistance in dying came into force. Join us for a webinar with Maître Hélène Guay who explains the changes to the law and how they affect people living with ALS.
Roon’s mission is to reimagine the internet for health with trust and expert curation at its core. Explore video Q&As with healthcare professionals, people living with ALS, and caregivers to get answers to your questions
Baluchon Long-term Respite Care
Baluchon’s mission is to offer respite over several days to caregivers who wish to keep their non-autonomous loved ones at home, while supporting and providing guidance to the caregiver before and after the in-home respite care process. It is the only non-profit organization offering long-term in-home respite care (4 to 14 days), 24 hours a […]
Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) – Activity Book
A workbook to help children understand, prepare for, and experience Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) in the way that’s best for them.
Talking about death won’t kill you: Conversations about medical assistance in dying and more
Anyone caring for someone with a serious illness will naturally think about how to support a “good death”. But what is a good death? Join host Donna Thomson for a conversation with Dr. Kathy Kortes-Miller, best-selling author and Canada’s favourite unconventional death educator.
NOVA West Island
This organization develops and provides a range of free or low-cost health services to vulnerable people on the West Island of Montreal.
Protecteur Du Citoyen (Ombudsman)
This organization protects the rights of Quebecers interacting with provincial public service
*Webinar – Professional panel
Have you ever wondered who all these health care professionals are and how they are caring for you?
View these professional panel presentations, which took place on September 12 and 26, 2023, where healthcare professionals from ALS clinics, CLSC, and rehabilitation centres explain their profession and their role within your care.