Make a one-time or monthly donation

Give once, or give year-round! Your donations enable people affected by ALS to receive services and resources and advance research, advocacy and awareness.

Donate in memory

Make a donation in memory of someone you care about. You’ll have the option to notify their family of your gift.

Donate in honour

Celebrate someone’s birthday, anniversary, or other milestone moment by making a donation in their honour. You’ll have the option to notify them of your gift.

Create a tribute or memorial fundraiser

Involve your family and friends by creating a fundraising page where they can make a memorial donation or give in honour of a milestone. Unlike a one-time donation in memory or in honour, tribute and memorial fundraisers show the total of your collective fundraising. This is a meaningful way to engage your loved ones in honouring someone special and giving to your shared cause.

Lorraine was my life, my love… a source of inspiration and comfort to me. We were married for 33 years. She died in 2019 after 28 years with ALS. With my donation to the ALS Society of Quebec, I want to give everyone battling this disease some measure of hope.
John Pisciuneri