Quebec Health Research
Find all the clinical trials available in Quebec and around the world in a few clicks, in real time, in both languages
Breaking the News in ALS/MND
A protocol on how deliver difficult news to people living with ALS that aims to increase healthcare professional comfort and confidence.
Roon’s mission is to reimagine the internet for health with trust and expert curation at its core. Explore video Q&As with healthcare professionals, people living with ALS, and caregivers to get answers to your questions
Baluchon Long-term Respite Care
Baluchon’s mission is to offer respite over several days to caregivers who wish to keep their non-autonomous loved ones at home, while supporting and providing guidance to the caregiver before and after the in-home respite care process. It is the only non-profit organization offering long-term in-home respite care (4 to 14 days), 24 hours a […]
Bereavement and post-caregiving
Caregivers experience various levels of ambiguous loss and grief throughout their lives. Following the death of someone they are caring for, they must also find themselves and reinvent their lives. Here are some tips on how to understand and get through these difficult stages.
Helping the person I am caring for with their request for medical aid in dying
How do you support the person you are caring for in their request for medical aid in dying? How can you assist them in this unique and singular process, while also respecting your own feelings?
Talking about advance medical directives with the person to whom I am provicing care
The person you are caring for wishes to decide in advance what medical care will be accepted or refused at the end of their life in the event that they are no longer able to make choices. How do you discuss advance medical directives with them?