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*Helping Children Cope With ALS – A Parental Information Guide

A guide to help parents talk to their children about a family member’s ALS diagnosis.

*Sexuality and ALS – Tracey Palmer, sexologist and nurse

This presentation discusses how to maintain physical intimacy while living with ALS. Presented in French with bilingual slides. Hosted in June 2022 by ALS Quebec.

*Educational Webinar: Planning a Trip that Meets your Needs – Isabelle Ducharme

Make your travel experience as smooth as possible. Learn how to plan and prepare from the experts at Kéroul. Hosted in June 2019 by ALS Quebec.

*ALS and Genetics – Nellie Fotopoulos and Kristiana Salmon

This webinar discusses the role of genetics in ALS, genetic counselling and testing, and therapeutic strategies. Hosted by ALS Quebec.

*Palliative Care Conference – Anita Mehta, RN, PhD, CFT and Véronique Després, SW

An introduction to palliative care and its role in ALS, implications for family members, and an overview of available services and facilities at two different palliative care centres. Hosted by ALS Quebec.

You’re Not You

Movie about an accomplished classical pianist diagnosed with ALS and the college student who becomes her caregiver.

The Theory of Everything

Oscar-winning movie about physicist Stephen Hawking and his wife Jane, and the impact of his growing success and ALS diagnosis on their relationship

Lessons on Living – Morrie Schwartz

Morrie Schwartz, the college professor of Tuesdays with Morrie, shares his recollections and wit with ABC News in his final days with ALS.

ALS Quebec does not endorse and is not responsible for the information contained on external sites. Should you have questions about any of the services or require additional information, please contact the organizations directly. These links are provided as a convenience and should not be construed as endorsements of any of the organizations.