Roon’s mission is to reimagine the internet for health with trust and expert curation at its core. Explore video Q&As with healthcare professionals, people living with ALS, and caregivers to get answers to your questions
Proper Seating in a Wheelchair: Adjustments and Utilization of Components – A video series by Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay Rehabilitation Centre (LLMRC)
This series of short videos provides guidance for proper wheelchair sitting and for making comfort and safety adjustments.
Your ALS Guide: Braces
Trusted information, helpful tips, and expert video clips about neck braces, hand splints and ankle foot braces.
Your ALS Guide: Home & Daily Living Guide
A guide to help people living with ALS and those supporting them to improve their everyday quality of life.
Guide to Programs for People with Disabilities, Their Families and Caregivers – Office des personnes handicapées du Québec (OPHQ)
Information about programs available through the Quebec government to support people with disabilities.
*Guide For People Living with ALS
This comprehensive guide covers a range of topics about living with the disease and what to expect.
Educational Webinar: Driving and ALS – Kendra Berry, BSc.OT
Learn about a Montreal Neurological Hospital project to promote and prolong safety when driving with ALS. Hosted in December 2018 by ALS Quebec.