ALS Quebec invites you to participate in the support group at Lorraine for people with ALS and their caregivers.

Would you like to discuss, learn from others or break your isolation? This group, founded by Chantal Lanthier, a person living with ALS, and her husband Jocelyn, allows people living with ALS and their caregivers to discuss, get information and break their isolation. Juice, coffee and snacks will be offered.

  • When: Thursday, January 18, 2024, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • Where: Louis St-Laurent Cultural Center
    4 De Montbéliard Boulevard, Lorraine, Quebec, J6Z 4L1
    (Free parking)

For more information and to register:
Please contact Kate Busch: or 514 725-2653 ext. 109 | 1-877-725-7725

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