Losing a loved one to ALS is never easy. You are invited to a time together for those who have been touched by the loss of a loved one to ALS in recent years. Please join us for a virtual time of sharing on loss, grief and resilience with a respectful and supportive community. The meeting will take place via Zoom and we will use separate rooms for each language, depending on the needs of the participants.

*We invite you to prepare a photo or item in honour of your loved one, to share with the group if you wish. We also invite you to bring a candle or similar luminous object to light in their honour.*

  • When: Thursday, February 27, 2025 from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
  • Where: The support group will be held on Zoom

If you are not familiar with Zoom, or with online communications, please consult our Zoom guides on our website.

For further questions, contact Kate Busch at 514 725-2653, ext. 109 | 1-877-725-7725 or by email at kbusch@sla-quebec.ca

N.B. If you have speech difficulties due to ALS or are simply less comfortable in a group, know that you are welcome to participate via the chat function in Zoom.

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